School Transport:
School has limited transport. No assurance is given to the newly admitted students for its availability. Initially, they have to make their own arrangements. However, a seat in the bus may be allotted if a vacancy comes-up-subsequently. Mid- session permitted students are charged for the rest of the session, i.e., from the month of permission to the following 31st March. Mid session drops are not allowed.

The School, keeping in mind the need for information technology, envisages for its students from Class I (First) onwards an effective computer learning programme The advanced Pentium machines under LAN environment with latest software teaching material in accordance with the ICSE and ISC syllabi are used in the school computer laboratories. The school has its own website. Multimedia and Internet facilities have been made available at the Laboratories. Recently constructed Chemistry and Biology Labs and the Physics Lab have been sufficiently enriched. Environment Education lab has been planned and is likely to come up shortly.

Games and Co-curricular Activities
In order to ensure the all round development of personality of students, they are divided into four Houses and are encouraged to participate in a variety of co-curricular activities like dramatics, dance, music, debates, elocution, recitations quizzes and games. Over the years a number of students have achieved a high standard of excellence and have represented the school at the state, national and international levels.
They have always brought laurels to the school by demonstrating higher level performance at these platforms. At times, they enter the competitions as underdogs and come out as winners. The main games of the school are basketball, badminton, volleyball, kho-kho, table-tennis. Students are also given training in athletics, cricket and hockey. Yoga classes are conducted throughout the year.

The Library
The library is the foundation of knowledge in an educational institution. The school has an excellent library and reading room. It provides for children classics to Encyclopedia Britannica, journals and magazines. Due emphasis is laid on encouraging the students to spend all available time in the library, in addition to the specific hours provided for this purpose in the regular time table.

Computer Laboratories
The School, keeping in mind the need for information technology, envisges for its students from class I (first) onwords an effective computer lerning programme. The advanced Pentium machines under LAN Environment with latest software teaching material in accordance with the ICSE and ISC syllabi are used in the school computer laboratories.

Music and Dance
Particular emphasis is laid on Indian music and dance. It is compulsory for each child to go through vocal music classes while they are in classes I to VIII. The school encourages students to handle Indian and Western Musical Instruments like Synthesizer, Tabla, Hormonium, Jazz-Drum, Guitar etc.